During my college years, I started to like Feline Family. I started with the mother cat until she multiplied. A lot had died including Cutie (which I called Kyowti) and Couscous (which is from someone's neighbor).
Then a Dachshund came into my life, Aaron. He was with me until he got Parvo virus. It was my first time to bring a dog into a vet doctor and I am with him everyday. But as unlucky as he was, he also died.
Losses of these cute friends never failed me love them. I even wanted to own a black cat. But everyone is against it. And I don't care.
As the picture says, bad luck never happens just because you own a black cat nor a black cat passed by. Bad luck is just, literally, a thing not for you. I used to think that having a bad luck is meant for you to have a bad day. But, maybe the moment wanted to teach you something.
For example, I am having one of the worst days, weeks or a whole MONTH out of bad luck.
1) My salary for this month is less than the half of it.
2) My pair of shoes is giving up on me. And it's not the right time for me to buy a new one. (Yes, that's how frugal I am).
3) Sales are declining. If not for my corporate accounts, I am seriously dead.
4) Bed bugs sleeps with me. And the skin rashes are getting worse.
5) And last but not the least, I was harassed one night while passing a dark alley. I knew Dubai (at least in my neighborhood) is safe. Cops are everywhere. But, he f*cking touched my ass. And I was so shocked I thought I'm gonna die. Maybe he had a knife and he will kill me. (Thank God I am 100% safe). So how bad is that?
So, what's the point of all this rant?
I believe in breakthrough.
There are lots of definition of this word. But this is my favorite meaning:
The definition of a breakthrough is overcoming something and achieving something.
I just wanna share this powerful statement that made me believe of breakthroughs.
So, for all of you, beautiful and wonderful people of the world, who thinks they are on the same page as I am, always remember that the best is yet to come. Bad days are made for us to fully appreciate the good days.
Let us claim that the best is yet to come! We deserve to be happy. And happiness comes from within..... and as per Ketut Liyer:
“Smile With Face, Smile With Mind, And Good Energy Will Come To You, And Clear Away Dirty Energy. Even Smile In Your Liver.”
~ Ketut, from Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat, Pray, Love
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